Pubg map
Pubg map

pubg map

We’ve increased the size of the oasis and added more buildings nearby.We’ve made more improvements to Miramar:.Certain high-slope sections of roads have been lowered to enhance vehicle effectiveness.More dirt roads have been added for better vehicle effectiveness.

pubg map

Miramar has received some improvements.Overcast setting includes dynamic weather, and includes rain, fog, etc.Dynamic weather has been added to Miramar.The spawn rates of helmets, bags and vests has been increased slightly.The spawn rates of weapons and scopes effective at long-range have been increased to better suit the long-range engagements commonly had across Miramar.Removed some small objects and trash in and around buildings to reduce clutter and make movement easier when looting.Only one Gold Mirado spawns each match.Some terrain in Hacienda del Patron has been adjusted to let you ride the Gold Mirado out safely.A Gold Mirado has been added to Miramar, which can only be found parked at the garage in Hacienda del Patron.You can now find newly added objects like ramps, loops, jumps and signboards across Miramar.A race track has been added, which was the venue for A La Muerte Vamos in Miramar.This means the total number of ARs spawned on Miramar is now 44% higher than before.Additional 22% increase to total number of ARs spawned.


Update #36 (Season 5 - Update 5.3) - vN/A

  • Miramar haystacks are now destructible (much like their Erangel counterparts).
  • Update #45 (Season 8 - Update 8.3) - vN/A
  • Reduced clutter across the map to improve ease of movement, especially around building entrances.
  • Many buildings and objects across the map have received visual improvements.
  • Finally, improvements were made to the bunker and interior lighting. Sandstorm and Dusk will be introduced in Challenger Mode.
  • In the existing weather types: Sunny, Sunset, Sunrise, and Cloudy, the intensity and color have been adjusted.
  • Aimed to create a softer image with less contrast to help with eye strain while still ensuring longer distance engagements.
  • pubg map pubg map

  • Trees, plants, and other foliage have received vast visual improvements.
  • Cliffs have been improved across the map and now look much better overall.
  • Additional cliffs have been added for steep slopes, which clearly indicate areas that cannot be climbed easily.
  • We have improved the visual fidelity of textures and materials across the map.
  • The following items have been added to the Miramar loot table:
  • Miramar loot increased by 28.3% now 128.3%Įxpect an overall smoother experience, with reduced object clutter, less troublesome coastlines, adjusted cover across the map, and more.
  • Item spawn increase is only applied to the following maps in Normal Matches.
  • In addition, the bridges are displayed in the same way as the roads.
  • We have applied the same quality of curves in the map to the mini-map.
  • This one is a bit of a wild guess though. The plane catches fire in the teaser, which might be a sign that landing mechanics on Taego are changed. Perhaps the plane will drop a large amount of loot boxes at the start of a game on Taego, and the Chinook will drop individual ones later on. Although it looks like this mass drop is done by a plane, we also get to see a Chinook helicopter in a different scene. We see a huge amount of loot crates being dropped in the teaser. If it’s indeed not another player who initiated the revive, we might find a new type of revival item on the Taego map. There’s a very short teaser scene that looks like a player reviving herself. He recently tweeted that Gulags would be a new feature on the Taego map, along with a picture of a smaller island. Not exactly an unknown feature to those who frequent other battle royale games, but should we really expect the Gulag to be added in PUBG Taego? According to well-known PUBG dataminer PlayerIGN, the answer is yes. The inverted blue zone might therefore be a replacement for red zones, or perhaps a part of the rumored gulag. It seems unlikely that a single inverted blue zone would work well, as this wouldn’t slowly drive all players to one place while nearing endgame. Perhaps it means that Taego will feature several smaller inverted blue zones. What’s up with the small blue zone in the teaser? It looks like the blue zone is expanding from the middle of an urban building. These are some of our best Taego theories: It’s already confirmed that we can indeed expect new gameplay mechanics, but it’s still unclear what those mechanics will be. We only got two very short teasers so far, but that’s enough to start theorizing about the new features we’ll find on the PUBG Taego map.

    Pubg map